4. juni 2006

Søndag 4. juni

Clitocybe rivulosa, also known as Clitocybe dealbata is one of the sweat-producing Clitocybe species that could easily be confused with Marasmius oreades. It differs in having closely spaced gills that run down the stem. Consumption of Clitocybe rivulosa produces a violent poisoning due to the presence of muscarine. In addition to vomiting and diarrhea and sharp abdominal pains, the victim will experience profuse sweating, uncontrolled salivation and tear formation. Their pupils will shrink so that the victim thinks they are going blind. (Dansk: giftig tragthat)

Muscarin er et alkaloid fra rød fluesvamp (Amanita muscaria). Forbindelsen forekommer også i arter af trævlhatte (Inocybe) og tragthatte (Clitocybe) i koncentrationer der er 50 gange højere end i rød fluesvamp. Muscarin ligner i opbygning acetylcholin hvorfor forbindelsen kan have de samme effekter.

- i haven har vi en heksering - jeg troede det var markchampignon, men spiste kun en lille bid, der ikke smagte særlig godt. Det er 7 timer siden, og jeg døde ikke.

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